
2016 World Press Photo| Ebola Survivors Football Club

Studio 94|2016World Press Photo 荷蘭世界新聞攝影展
展期|11.5 - 11.27 / 10am-6pm / 周一休館(20人以上團體可預約夜間開館)

攝影者 Tara Todras-Whitehill /美國 紐約時報

「伊波拉康復者足球俱樂部」為曾感染伊波拉病毒的復原者提供了一個支援網,同時也協助扭轉了社區對他們的汙名化。這個組織位在獅子山共和國首都自由城東方三百公里的Kenema,創辦者是一位當地人Erison Turay,他有38位親人因伊波拉出血熱而喪命。

The Ebola Survivors Football Club provides a support network for survivors of the disease and helps battle negative stigmas in the community. It was founded by Erison Turay, who lost 38 members of his own family to Ebola, in his hometown of Kenema, 300km east of Freetown, Sierra Leone.