
Exhibition|5.26 - 7.7 Luba Lukova原版海報展|Designing Justice專為正義而設計_關於Luba Lukova

如果我的圖像沒有說出有意義又觸動人心的事,那只是純然浪費了紙張、墨水與我的精力。   /  Luba Lukova

提問了諸如移工、人權、水資源、戰爭、饑荒、氣候變遷、文化保存、教育與過度開發等社會議題的海報設計者Luba Lukova帶著她近五十張的原版海報,將在5.26週日開始在studio 94展開為期六週的展覽。5.26週日下午四點開幕,歡迎大家一起來聽聽她三十多年來於設計生涯中的領略與她移居到美國後體會到的人間事。

開幕當天我們也特別邀請了TRIO BARON/CHOU/BELLO爵士三重奏帶來Play for Peace,他們將以創作曲回應我們對人性中那一點微光的追求與渴望。此外,我們也要特別謝謝生態綠將在展期內提供給所有觀眾們免費享用的公平貿易咖啡。展期間的所有免費講座與活動我們也會在近日內公布。

  • 地點|Studio94 /臺北士林仰德大道二段94號
  • 展期|5.26-7.7週二至週日/ 11am-6pm (免費參觀)

關於Luba Lukova|


Lukova除了自己的社會議題作品外,也曾為Adobe軟體開發公司、索尼音樂、佳能相機、紐約時報、時報週刊、哈佛大學等機構進行設計;她為Verve唱片出版的艾拉費茲潔拉和艾靈頓公爵專輯《艾拉與公爵在蔚藍海岸旁》所做的設計還曾被葛萊美獎提名為最佳唱片包裝設計。Lukova長年來也與一些活躍的當代劇團合作,她為Judith Malina、Living劇場、Ellen Stewart、La MaMa劇團都設計過精彩的海報。她設計過的第一張劇場海報甚至成為了紐約現代藝術博物館的永久典藏。

Reflecting on complex social issues has been Lukova’s career-long focus because of her firmly held belief that art is central to human existence and that morality and creativity are aligned. In 2008 she released her Social Justice portfolio, addressing themes such as peace, censorship, immigration, ecology, hunger, and corruption. The twelve iconic images soon became a best-selling publication and requests for exhibits and reproductions in magazines, newspapers and books came from around the globe. The collection was included in the prestigious art exhibition at the first inauguration of President Obama in Washington D.C. and has been exhibited widely in the U.S., France, Turkey, Greece, Israel, and Mexico. Nine years since its publication, the series is as relevant as ever and the artist continues to create new social commentary work. In her words, she has “plenty of topics to tackle in the future.”

Lukova has received commissions from Adobe, Sony Music, Canon, The New York Times, Time, and Harvard University, among others.Her drawings grace the Verve Records CD box set Ella Fitzgerald and Duke Ellington at the Cote D'Azur, which was nominated for a Grammy Award for best recording package design. Lukova has collaborated with some of the visionaries of the contemporary theater, creating striking posters for the productions of Judith Malina and the Living Theatre, Ellen Stewart and La MaMa Theater, and Sir Peter Hall. The first theater poster she ever designed, There Is No Death for the Songs, is now included in the permanent collection of MoMA, New York.

