
Exhibition|11.2 - 24. 2019 World Press Photo 展覽預告 / The Migrant Caravan


11.2-24 Tue.-Sun. 10:00-19:00



突發新聞 系列 第一名

Pieter Ten Hoopen
荷蘭/瑞典,VU 圖片社/公民行動

10月 29日,移民人龍在墨西哥的塔帕納提克鎮附近休息一天,許多家庭在諾比雷羅河邊 洗澡、洗衣服、放鬆休息。

10月與 11月期間,數千名中美洲移民加入了前往美國邊境的移民人龍。10月 12日移民人 龍從宏都拉斯的聖佩德羅蘇拉出發,隨著大家口耳相傳,越來越多人從尼加拉瓜、薩爾 瓦多、瓜地馬拉加入。根據聯合國部會表示,移民人龍每年都在不同時間點抵達美國邊 境,但這次是近年來人數最多的,有多達七千人,包含兩千三百名孩童。沿途的狀況嚴峻, 通常人們一天會在攝氏三十度以上的高溫中走上三十公里。

Spot News 1st Prize Stories
World Press Photo Story of the Year

Pieter Ten Hoopen
Netherlands/Sweden, Agence VU/Civilian Act

Families bathe, wash clothes and relax beside the Rio Novillero, when the caravan takes a rest day near Tapanatepec, Mexico, 29 October.

During October and November, thousands of Central American migrants joined a caravan heading to the United States border. The caravan left San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on 12 October, and as word spread drew people from Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. Migrant caravans travel to the US border at different times each year, but this was the largest in recent memory with as many as 7,000 travelers, including at least 2,300 children, according to UN agencies. Conditions along the way were grueling, with people walking around 30 km a day, often in temperatures above 30°C.

